Input Formats

Input data required for the process. Each input type has to be assigned an identifier, wich then can be referenced from the function from within the process.

Single file inputs

Mapchete can guess the driver from single file paths. In general, all formats readable by rasterio and fiona will be read as NumPy arrays and GeoJSON-like feature dictionaries respectively.

Alternatively, a .mapchete file can be provided. In this case, the data type read depends on the output driver specified in the .mapchete file. It is well-intended that mapchete processes can be chained in such a way!

For single files like GeoTIFFs, JPEG2000 files, Shapefiles or GeoJSON files, a file path (either remote or local) is sufficient.


    dem: path/to/elevation_data.tif
    land_polygons: path/to/land_polygons.shp

Processing performance is best if the input files support quick access to subsets of the data. For rasters, converting them to COG (Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF) can sometimes do wonders especially if the data sits on an object storage. For vector data a format which support spatial indexing (e.g. GeoPackage or FlatGeoBuf) can do similar tricks although this works just in a limited way if the data is on an object storage.


        format: raster_file
        path: path/to/elevation_data.tif
            path: tmp/path/to/elevation_data.tif
            format: COG
        format: vector_file
        path: path/to/land_polygons.shp
            path: tmp/path/to/land_polygons.fgb
            format: FlatGeobuf
            keep: false  # if set to false cached data will not be deleted after the process finishes

In some cases it can be beneficial if the data is not cached on disk but directly in memory. This feature should be used with care and only for smaller datasets.


        format: raster_file
        path: path/to/elevation_data.tif
        cache: memory
        format: vector_file
        path: path/to/land_polygons.shp
        cache: memory

It is also possible to define input data groups e.g. for extracted Sentinel-2 granules, where bands are stored in separate files:


        red: path/to/B04.jp2
        green: path/to/B03.jp2
        blue: path/to/B02.jp2

TileDirectory inputs

It is also possible to directly point to a TileDirectory output path from another mapchete process. This is very similar to provide a .mapchete file path but with the convenience to just refer to the path.

Additional output formats

Additional drivers can be written and installed. They have to be registered to the mapchete.formats.drivers entrypoint from within the driver’s file.