Command Line Tools

Mapchete offers various useful subcommands:

Usage: mapchete [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

      --version  Show the version and exit.
      --help     Show this message and exit.

      convert    Convert outputs or other geodata.
      create     Create a new process.
      execute    Execute a process.
      formats    List available input and/or output formats.
      index      Create index of output tiles.
      processes  List available processes.
      serve      Serve a process on localhost.

mapchete convert

Convert outputs or other geodata.

This command can convert between different Mapchete outputs, for example from a TileDirectory output to a single file GeoTIFF. It can also convert between different tile pyramid schemes, projections output formats and apply scale factors and scale offsets to raster data.

Usage: mapchete convert [OPTIONS] INPUT OUTPUT

  Convert outputs or other geodata.

  -z, --zoom TEXT                 Single zoom level or min and max separated
                                  by ','.
  -b, --bounds FLOAT...           Left, bottom, right, top bounds in tile
                                  pyramid CRS.
  -p, --point FLOAT...            Process tiles over single point location.
  -g, --wkt-geometry TEXT         Take boundaries from WKT geometry in tile
                                  pyramid CRS.
  -c, --clip-geometry PATH        Clip output by geometry
  --bidx TEXT                     Band indexes to copy.
  --output-pyramid [mercator|geodetic]
                                  Output pyramid to write to.
  --output-metatiling INTEGER     Output metatiling.
  --output-format [GTiff|PNG_hillshade|xarray|GeoJSON|PNG]
                                  Output format.
  --output-dtype [int8|int16|float64|int32|uint8|uint32|uint16|float32]
                                  Output data type (for raster output only).
  --co, --profile NAME=VALUE      Driver specific creation options.See the
                                  documentation for the selected output driver
                                  for more information.
  --scale-ratio FLOAT             Scaling factor (for raster output only).
  --scale-offset FLOAT            Scaling offset (for raster output only).
  -r, --resampling-method [nearest|bilinear|cubic|cubic_spline|lanczos|average|mode|gauss]
                                  Resampling method used. (default: nearest)
  --overviews                     Generate overviews (single GTiff output
  --overviews-resampling-method [nearest|bilinear|cubic|cubic_spline|lanczos|average|mode|gauss]
                                  Resampling method used for overviews.
                                  (default: cubic_spline)
  --cog                           Write a valid COG. This will automatically
                                  generate verviews. (GTiff only)
  -o, --overwrite                 Overwrite if tile(s) already exist(s).
  -v, --verbose                   Print info for each process tile.
  --no-pbar                       Deactivate progress bar.
  -d, --debug                     Deactivate progress bar and print debug log
  -m, --multi INTEGER             Number of concurrent processes.
  -l, --logfile PATH              Write debug log infos into file.
  --vrt                           Write VRT file.
  -od, --idx-out-dir PATH         Index output directory.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

mapchete create

Create a new process.

This subcommand will generate an empty .mapchete and a dummy .py process file.


  Create a new process.

  -op, --out-path PATH            Process output path.
  -pt, --pyramid-type [mercator|geodetic]
                                  Output pyramid type. (default: geodetic)
  -f, --force                     Overwrite if files already exist.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

mapchete execute

Execute a process.

This is intended to batch seed your output pyramid. You can also process a specific tile by providing the tile index (zoom row col).

Usage: mapchete execute [OPTIONS] [MAPCHETE_FILES]...

  Execute a process.

  -z, --zoom TEXT              Single zoom level or min and max separated by
  -b, --bounds FLOAT...        Left, bottom, right, top bounds in tile pyramid
  -p, --point FLOAT...         Process tiles over single point location.
  -g, --wkt-geometry TEXT      Take boundaries from WKT geometry in tile
                               pyramid CRS.
  -t, --tile INTEGER...        Zoom, row, column of single tile.
  -o, --overwrite              Overwrite if tile(s) already exist(s).
  -m, --multi INTEGER          Number of concurrent processes.
  -i, --input-file PATH        Specify an input file via command line (in
                               mapchete file, set 'input_file' parameter to
  -l, --logfile PATH           Write debug log infos into file.
  -v, --verbose                Print info for each process tile.
  --no-pbar                    Deactivate progress bar.
  -d, --debug                  Deactivate progress bar and print debug log
  -c, --max-chunksize INTEGER  Maximum number of process tiles to be queued
                               for each  worker. (default: 1)
  --vrt                        Write VRT file.
  -od, --idx-out-dir PATH      Index output directory.
  --help                       Show this message and exit.

mapchete formats

List available input and/or output formats.

This command lists all registered input and output drivers.

Usage: mapchete formats [OPTIONS]

  List available input and/or output formats.

  -i, --input-formats   Show only input formats.
  -o, --output-formats  Show only output formats.
  -d, --debug           Deactivate progress bar and print debug log output.
  --help                Show this message and exit.

mapchete index

Create index of output tiles.

This command lets you create index files for raster TileDirectory outputs. Such index files can be VRT for GDAL, shape index files in either GeoJSON, GeoPackage or ESRI Shapefile format or simple .txt files with lists of existing tile paths. Shape index files are used in Mapserver to add large raster mosaics.

Usage: mapchete index [OPTIONS] [MAPCHETE_FILES]...

  Create index of output tiles.

  -od, --idx-out-dir PATH  Index output directory.
  --geojson                Write GeoJSON index.
  --gpkg                   Write GeoPackage index.
  --shp                    Write Shapefile index.
  --vrt                    Write VRT file.
  --txt                    Write output tile paths to text file.
  --fieldname TEXT         Field to store tile paths in.
  --basepath TEXT          Use other base path than given process output path.
  --for-gdal               Make remote paths readable by GDAL (not applied for
                           txt output).
  -z, --zoom TEXT          Single zoom level or min and max separated by ','.
  -b, --bounds FLOAT...    Left, bottom, right, top bounds in tile pyramid
  -p, --point FLOAT...     Process tiles over single point location.
  -g, --wkt-geometry TEXT  Take boundaries from WKT geometry in tile pyramid
  -t, --tile INTEGER...    Zoom, row, column of single tile.
  -v, --verbose            Print info for each process tile.
  --no-pbar                Deactivate progress bar.
  -d, --debug              Deactivate progress bar and print debug log output.
  -l, --logfile PATH       Write debug log infos into file.
  --help                   Show this message and exit.

mapchete processes

List available processes.

Custom processes can be registered to mapchete.processes. This is helpful in case you have a separate python package with mapchete processes you want to share.

Usage: mapchete processes [OPTIONS]

  List available processes.

  -n, --process_name TEXT  Print docstring of process.
  --docstrings             Print docstrings of all processes.
  --help                   Show this message and exit.

mapchete serve

Serve a process on localhost.

Start a local HTTP server which hosts a simple OpenLayers page and a WMTS simple endpoint to serve a process for quick assessment (default port 5000). This is intended to process on-demand and show just the current map extent to facilitate process calibration.

Usage: mapchete serve [OPTIONS] MAPCHETE_FILE

  Serve a process on localhost.

  -p, --port INTEGER            Port process is hosted on. (default: 5000)
  -c, --internal-cache INTEGER  Number of web tiles to be cached in RAM.
                                (default: 1024)
  -z, --zoom TEXT               Single zoom level or min and max separated by
  -b, --bounds FLOAT...         Left, bottom, right, top bounds in tile
                                pyramid CRS.
  -o, --overwrite               Overwrite if tile(s) already exist(s).
  -ro, --readonly               Just read process output without writing.
  -mo, --memory                 Always get output from freshly processed
  -i, --input-file PATH         Specify an input file via command line (in
                                mapchete file, set 'input_file' parameter to
  -d, --debug                   Deactivate progress bar and print debug log
  -l, --logfile PATH            Write debug log infos into file.
  --help                        Show this message and exit.